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10 days!!

Today is my first day officially by myself. It's nice to not have to talk to anyone. Jon's parents came over yesterday and helped watch Amelia. I gave her a couple of naps which was nice.

This splint is so annoying to clean and talk with. I'm so over it. I have a date for the splint removal though! May 6th! Too bad that's more than a month away.... ARGHHH. I'm dreading going back to work with this. Whatever.

Swelling is down a little more I think. Sleeping is better. Painwise I haven't taken any painkillers for a while. I should probably take some Tylenol but I keep forgetting. My face is just uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. Just a weird feeling. Sometimes tingly so I'm hoping that's the feeling come back into it. So far not much of the numbness has gone. My nose congestion is on and off but it's in general a little bit better, except when sleeping, ugh.

Before profile.
You can see the swelling better from the side.
From the side my nose is definitely different. The tip is pushed up a bit. So I think I will eventually like it, once the swelling goes away.

Soaking in some Vitamin D. Definitely made me feel better yesterday!
Big difference! So glad to see an actual difference, haha.


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