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Jaw Surgery: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Okay so I wanted to make this post about what items were useful during jaw surgery. I think everyone does this but everyone's recovery is a little different.

Things I loved (the good):

Jaw bra - it held bags of peas and ice packs so beautifully. And it was so easy to take on and off
Aquaphor - Amazing for my lips that were all cracked, etc. Still use it!!!
Stool softener - Trust me.
Boogie wipes - My nose was the grossest of gross. These were SO amazing.
Protein powder - Put it in all of my smoothies
Neck pillow - Wore it around the house. Loved it.
Vaporizer - Get one. Now.
Recliner - It was the only way I could sleep for the first week. This was one of the main reasons I stayed at my mom's, lol. Their recliner is seriously the comfiest chair in the world. And it's biggg. Although the cats usually take claim over it so I had a few cats jump on me in the middle of the night, but nothing too painful, hahahaha.
Squeeze bottle for water - Only way I got my fluids in.
Magic bullet or some other awesome blender - I ate so many meals this way (and SO MANY smoothies) until I could manage to just break stuff up with my tongue, lol. I just got lazy. Also the magic bullet is great because it does small portion sizes and it way easier to use and clean.
Baby spoons - Since I wasn't banded shut I used these religiously. For everything from cream of wheat to milkshakes to pudding to whatever I could blend!
Q-tips - Helpful in applying aquaphor and cleaning out my nose!!! (ew, so gross)
Boogie Board - Used this religiously at the hospital. Really easy to write on (didn't have to really concentrate) and really easy to erase. Just awesome. My parents got me it for Christmas in preparation for surgery.

Things I didn't use (the bad):

Bed Buddy - It wasn't very cold, but did keep the cold the longest, but I had to use the jaw bra to hold it on anyway so it kind of defeated the purpose.
Children's Motrin - I had to drink WAY too much of it for it to make a difference and it was so nasty tasting.
Pedestal mirror - didn't need it, personally since I could feel my bottom jaw and control my fluids mostly.
Notebook for meds - my mom kept track for me for the first few days of relentless antibiotics and steroids!
Wisp brushes - by the time I got around to cleaning my teeth I went straight for my electric toothbrush. It's small and make my mouth feel SO clean.
Moist facial cleansing towelettes - I wasn't really allowed to rub my face until they took the stitches out so I just splashed with water until I was able to submerge my head in the shower.

Some things you may not want to know about jaw surgery recovery (the ugly):

☻ You will need that stool softener. It's a fact of life. Just be patient. Start taking it from day one. Fiber supplements help as well. I put some Benefiber in my morning cream of wheat and didn't taste it at all. Also spinach is a good fiber vegetable. Put it in your smoothies!
☻ Rely on other people. Don't try to do everything yourself. You just had major surgery.
☻ If you had anything done to your nose (like me), don't be surprised by the crap that comes out. As long as it's not bright red and won't stop bleeding- then it's perfectly normal. But still, gross.
☻ Your mouth is numb so don't eat extremely hot things because you may not be able to feel it until it hits your throat and OUCH. Seriously. Not fun, haha.
☻ Laugh and yawn as much as possible (if you're able). It hurts like hell but I think it has really helped stretch my muscles and help get things back to normal faster.

Favorite foods include:

Mashed potatoes with gravy
Maple-flavored cream of wheat
Cream of chicken soup with crackers broken up and mushy
Pineapple banana smoothies with vanilla protein powder
Anything that doesn't get stuck in my splint... haaaa.

5 weeks post-op. My smile is finally getting back to normal. :) Please excuse my no-make-up-face. It's Monday, haha.


  1. Great list Larissa! It's funny that each surgery is very similar but each person needs and uses different supplies. This will be so helpful for those who are going through the surgery :) you're looking great!!


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