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Day 17: Back to work!

So this day has not been great. I know I made this decision to go back to work, but I'm regretting it. I'm just so tired. Luckily, Amelia gave Jon and I some GREAT sleep last night. She has been battling an ear infection since Friday. No one has really slept since then. =\ The only sleep I was getting was after Jonny and Amelia left for the day. Yesterday my mom came over to help, but I'm mostly on my own these days. Last night Amelia slept from 7-10 and then woke up once. Then again at 1 am. But then she slept until 5:30 which was pretty amazing for her. That's what time I had to be up anyway. Yay.

Overall, I'm just frustrated. I felt pretty great on Monday. But yesterday and today were pretty sucky. I feel like I'm back pedaling.

Some things that are making me angry:

  • My swelling has actually INCREASED in the past 2 days. I look like a serious chipmunk. I'm hoping it'll go away and it's not because of some crazy infection or something. It really makes me want to cry. I'm thinking it may be because I don't wear the jaw bra during the day anymore. Or because I'm sleeping on my side. But I don't think that's the case. It just makes me really angry. 
  • I have a head cold. I hope that's all it is. Jon has it, too. And Amelia of course. My nose is stuffy/runny and it makes my throat hurt in the morning. I've been blowing my nose lightly since I can do that now. It helps. 
  • I get these sharp pains across my cheeks and upper lips from what I'm assuming is nerve regeneration. So I know it's a good thing, but it's really annoying when I'm trying to sleep. 
  • I'm still taking regular tylenol almost daily for soreness. With the feeling coming back into my jaw- it definitely aches all day & night. 
  • I'm hoping this is temporary, but the left side of my upper lip is like dead. When I smile it refuses to follow suit. It's kind of amusing, but today it's just not making me happy. (See photo below)
Back to work photo op!
Work isn't too bad, I don't do much. Just sit behind a computer and avoid talking to too many people. But I'm just tired and want this swelling to get out the way. Someone who I don't really talk to (or even like for that matter) asked me if I got my wisdom teeth out. (Without saying anything to her first.) So my swelling is pretty obvious. :(

Breastfeeding update: I still pump once per day and get a couple of ounces, plus I'm nursing her to sleep (which helps her sleep better) and nursing her in the mornings. I don't think she gets much in the mornings but anything is better than none. She's been not taking the bottle lately because of the ear infection. Makes me so sad. Luckily she loves eating solids, so we sneak milk/formula in her food so make sure she's not getting dehydrated. She's a stinker, but I love her. I don't know how long I can keep up this random breastfeeding but I'm okay with pumping once per day. It's pretty awesome. Can't wait until it's zero times though. LOL

Amelia feeling a little better on Tuesday. 
Okay I will probs update again on Sunday for an early 3-week post. Maybe. Just blah. :(


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