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As of Tuesday- my braces are officially off! :) And let me tell you... I can't stop taking selfies!!!

Just minutes after getting out of the orthodontist's office. 
Everyone was so excited for me! It took approximately one minute to get them off. That's so crazy! Hurt a little bit, but not much and was sooo quick.

Bye bye braces AND arch wire!
YUP. You read that right! I don't need an arch wire on the roof of my mouth anymore! He said I should be fine without it!!! So right now I have NO metal in my mouth! *hallelujiah*

I have my upper (plastic) retainer. It's amazing and beautiful. Can hardly tell I'm wearing it! I will have to wear both my retainers 24/7 (except for eating and brushing) for 4 months. That's like nothing, haha. I don't have my bottom retainer yet. He asked me if I'm okay with a regular (metal) one for the bottom. I don't even care, haha. So I will be getting that one next week. They said it might be hard to talk with my retainer... but I have had NO problems, haha. I suspect that's because I spent 6 weeks in that plastic splint that was 3x as large as this retainer.

They took some photos (below) and I was on my way! Everything is awesome! It's so crazy to not have to get all the food out of my braces after every meal. I'm not sure that will ever get old, haha. Photo spam time!

Before (April 2012)
After (October 2014)

Before (April 2012)
After (October 2014)

Day before I got my braces off- and Tuesday right after!!!! :)
Before surgery, after surgery, and braces-off day!
Me and my girl this morning (on Halloween)!

I was so amazed how my teeth looked after they cleaned all the glue off! I was so nervous they were going to have white spots or yellow spots.... but no- they were beautiful! And they looked super big, haha.

I went to the regular dentist to have a cleaning on Wednesday. I have 3 cavities that we already knew about so I need to get those filled and possibly get another crown. :( Boo, but oh well. I'm just so happy I don't even care!!!!! It was weird when they were cleaning my teeth because a good portion of my upper teeth I still can't feel. It's never really a big deal, it was just amusing at the dentist. 

I have some awesome Halloween parties to go to this weekend I cannot WAIT to show off my awesome new teeth!!!!!!! :) 


  1. Larissa you look so so beautiful!! You must feel like a million bucks :) so incredibly happy for you :)

    1. Thanks, Cassie!!! It's SO amazing. I can't stop smiling!!! Can't wait to see your finished smile as well!!! :)


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