So I've been preparing for this jaw surgery for a really long time now. I've been compiling a list of items that I will want/need so I'd be ready. Now that it is LESS than a month away- I should probably get to buyin some of this stuff. Especially if I want to get them cheap and online. I know everyone's recovery is a little different but I'm hoping I'm able to use most of this stuff: Things To Buy: Bed Buddy Jaw Bra Aquaphor Children's Motrin Fiber supplement Protein powder Q-tips Moist Facial Cleansing Towelettes Boogie Wipes Kleenex with Aloe or Lotion Wisp Brushes Notebook to write down meds/times NutriSqueeze Bottle and/or syringe neck pillow (need a new one) (borrowing my mom's) Pedestal Mirror Food: Go Go Squeeze and other types of baby food (going to be pretty easy to feed Amelia and I for the first few weeks, haha) Naked Juice Ensure Gatorade Smoothie ingredients (or packs) Beef Broth Jello I'm sure ...