. I found the images from the consultation last April. Here they are! So it will be nice to have something to compare future stuff to. Here's a current photo from today. I'm SO thankful they put a thin, flexible wire on. It doesn't hurt as much as it usually does. Which is a good thing since stupid me packed salad for my lunch today, :(. Today. Last month. Just comparing today and last month. The space between my two front teeth has gone down a lot. But the space between some of my bottom teeth is so tight now. It's quite annoying when flossing. And then there are HUGE gaps between my lower back teeth. I can fit that skinny brush in between them. :( It's frustrating. I've gotten into the habit of updating after every orthodontist appt, I guess. That works. It's usually every 5 weeks. Next time it will be 6 weeks though because they couldn't fit me in. Can't believe I've only had my braces on for like four months al...