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Showing posts from June, 2014

3 months post-op!

Hello, all! I can't believe it's been 3 months since double-jaw surgery! Amazing, really! These past few weeks I have been back to eating salads and man I missed them sooooooo much! They are so much easier to eat now then before surgery! It's amazing! Here's a few basic updates then we'll get into orthodontics. Swelling : Still hanging around on my upper cheeks, but lessened from last month at least! So annoying, still. Numbness:  Can now feel PARTS of my upper palate (YAY!) but my upper gums are still pretty numb in the front. A little less numb closer to the back of my mouth. Pretty annoying actually, but whatever. Pain:  Sometimes when brushing (top teeth still sensitive). And after ortho adjustments (TODAY!). Yay! I love my smile! My nose still looks a little big when I smile, but I don't really care. As long as I can chew - it's alllll gravy, baby! Had an orthodontist appt this morning! Good news all around! He had a resident shadowin...