Wow! I can't believe it's been 2 months already! SO much has changed within the past 2 weeks. I'm hoping it's all thanks to my splint removal! That thing was miserable. Things are really great right now. Amelia, 10 months old ahhhhh, is sleeping through the night now and that makes a HUGE difference. Swelling: It still varies, but it's mostly not noticeable to random people. I notice a little bit. Still around my upper cheeks but it's definitely not as bad as it was. Now that I'm chewing I think that has helped a lot. My lips are back to their regular size! Numbness: My upper palate and upper gums are still numb. Makes things a little hard to chew but I'm getting the hang of it. Not sure if I'll ever get feeling back there. It's a little annoying because I think I have a cavity on one of my upper teeth and it hurts to floss, but only at the root of my tooth, haha. I guess that's a good thing? Pain : Only after ortho adjustments. No r...