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Showing posts from June, 2013

Still alive!

I swear I'm still alive! Just trying to get this baby out! LOL Today is 38 weeks of pregnancy! I'm ready to be done. I'm not miserable or anything but I'm just sick of being pregnant. I'm ready to move on. Work is blah too. I need some time off. I know having a baby isn't really "time off," but it's not work. That's for sure. I'll probably be more busy with a baby then I am at work.  Had an adjustment yesterday. Nothing different. Still have this stupid rubber CHAIN on the my upper teeth. It's just annoying while flossing and things get stuck VERY easily. Not as sore as last time- definitely a good thing! Rubber banded!!! My chin looks weird. But you can kind of see the band thing. It's just like a rubber band. But it's stupid. And I feel like I've been biting my tongue at night out of control. I feel like my bottom teeth have something pulled back... no idea. My tongue seems to always be in the way now. It...